How to Stop Smoking With Patches
Apply the nicotine patch to your body, and start with the highest strength patch. Leave the patch on for a maximum of 24 hours. The patch releases nicotine into your body steadily while you wear it to reduce the effects of nicotine withdrawal. The patch also gets you used to feeling steady through the day because there is no "high" after a cigarette followed by a "low" when you want another smoke.
Apply another patch the next day, but to a different part of the body. Applying two patches to the same spot within a week could cause skin irritation. Some people experience sleep disruption while using the patch, according to If you do, there are 16-hour patches available that might help, or you could take the patch off while you sleep. However, removing the patch at night might make it difficult in the morning because you will crave nicotine until you put on the next patch and it takes effect.
Continue using the patch daily until the strongest ones are gone, then use the middle-strength ones, then the weakest ones. It typically takes between eight and 12 weeks to complete using the patches. According to Health Canada, very heavy smokers might benefit from using the patch even longer.