Ways to Stay Away From Smoking
Limit Stress
It is impossible to eliminate stress completely, but try to manage your stress as much as possible. Stress can trigger the urge to smoke. When stressful situations come up, try to reduce stress by talking to a friend or doing physical activity.
Avoid Smokers
Temporarily avoid your friends and family who are smokers. It is hard to resist temptation when those around you are smoking.
Stay Focused
Weight gain can accompany quitting smoking. If you have put on a few pounds, don't focus on that right away. Keep your focus on staying away from smoking for a few months. Once you have quit smoking, you can work on your weight loss.
Reward Yourself
Put aside the money that you would spend on cigarettes. When you save up enough money, buy something special with it.
Nicotine Lozenges
Nicotine comes in lozenge form to help you stop smoking. Take one lozenge every one to two hours for the first six weeks; for weeks seven to nine, take one every two to four hours; and then for weeks 10 to 12, take one every four to eight hours. Stop taking the lozenges after week 12. Hopefully, you will not have the urge to smoke after that period of time.
Nicorette Gum
Nicorette gum releases a controlled amount of nicotine without the harmful toxins in cigarette smoke. Nicorette lowers withdrawal symptoms and helps you quit. During weeks one to six, you will chew one piece every one to two hours; take one every two to four hours during weeks seven to nine every; and every four to eight hours during weeks 10 to 12.