Ingredients in Herbal Cigarettes
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the leaves and roots of marshmallow have been used for centuries as an herbal medicine. The scientific name for marshmallow is althea officinalis. It is believed to be beneficial for asthma, bronchitis and inflammatory bowel diseases. Marshmallow roots and leaves contain a gummy substance called mucilage, which is thought to relieve digestion issues by coating the stomach. Marshmallow is added to herbal cigarettes as a binding substance. Few scientific studies have been done on marshmallow, so it is recommended that you use it with caution.
Ginseng has been used for many centuries by Asian cultures as an antiviral remedy, immune stimulant and as a blood tonic. In Western medicine, ginseng is used in stress relief formulas and as an immune stimulant. Ginseng is also known as an adaptogen, meaning it increases resistance to physical, emotional and biological stress. This is why it is often sold in physical performance formulas for athletes. Ginseng was added to erectile dysfunction herbal formulas after various studies showed marginal improvements over placebos. It is added to herbal cigarettes as a flavor enhancer. Ginseng can interfere with blood thinners and certain heart medications, so use caution when smoking ginseng cigarettes.
Cloves are the dried flower buds of the clove tree, and their health benefits have been known for centuries. Cloves are considered an aphrodisiac in China and Persia. They are also believed to be a powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal remedy. Cloves were once used as a natural anesthetic and are still a popular treatment for toothaches in some Asian cultures. Cloves are used to add an exotic, spicy aroma to specialty brand herbal cigarettes.
According to Organic Facts, mint is most well known as a breath refresher. Scientifically known as menthe, mint is an herb with remarkable medicinal properties. Just the aroma of mint activates our salivary glands and causes an increase in the release of digestive enzymes. It is a powerful nausea remedy and has been used for many years as a decongestant for respiratory illnesses. Mint is added to herbal cigarettes for its aroma and its menthol-like taste for smokers who prefer menthol flavored tobacco products.
Lemongrass is a tropical herb known for its lemon citrus fragrance and rose aroma. Lemongrass is a common ingredient in Thai and Indonesian cooking. It is often used as a medicinal herb for fever control, nausea and as a diuretic. Lemongrass is most popular for its use in citronella candles as an insect repellent. It is added to herbal cigarettes for its unique aroma and pleasant aftertaste.