Habitrol Nicotine Patch Warnings
Blood Pressure Effects
Patients who suffer from high blood pressure should seek the advice of their personal physician before using Habitrol. According to the product's official website, nicotine and the use of nicotine products such as Habitrol can increase blood pressure as well as have an effect on medications that are prescribed to control and lower blood pressure in some patients.
Effects on Skin
Users who have sensitive skin or who are allergic to ingredients found in adhesive tape should seek the guidance of a doctor before using. The patch is held in place by adhesive tape, which is designed to be safe and does not cause skin irritation for most people. However, those who have reactions to latex or other adhesives may notice redness, irritation or swelling of the area of application.
Potential for Overdose
As with almost any medication, there is the potential for overdose caused by excessive use of Habitrol. Symptoms to watch for include nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, dizziness and weakness. Users should contact their physician or seek emergency medical assistance immediately if they experience any of these symptoms. To reduce the risk of overuse, do not use Habitrol for more than eight weeks and do not smoke while using Habitrol.
Sleep Disturbances
Some patients have reported sleep disturbances while using Habitrol. These disturbances can include vivid or upsetting dreams and insomnia, or the lack of ability to sleep for extended periods of time. If you experience sleep disturbance while using Habitrol, remove the patch at night and replace with a new one upon waking the next morning. If sleep disturbances continue, contact your doctor for guidance.
Effect on Medication
Patients who suffer from depression or asthma conditions should seek guidance from their personal physician or pharmacist before using Habitrol. Use of Habitrol may interfere with the effectiveness of certain medications that are used to treat asthma and depression; therefore, your prescribed dosages may have to be adjusted in order to prevent drug interaction.