Ways to Avoid Smoking
Choose Friends Who Do Not Smoke
Your social circle plays an important role in your smoking habits. If you have friends who smoke, you are at a higher risk of developing the habit; if you want to quit, you will have a more difficult time. Children and teenagers can avoid the habit by choosing friends who are nonsmokers. If you do have friends who are smokers, tell them of your decision to avoid smoking. Request that they do not smoke in your presence, especially in enclosed areas. At work, take your coffee breaks with non-smokers.
Think of the Many Reasons to Avoid Smoking
The habit of smoking is detrimental to your health and well-being, and that of your loved ones. Constantly reminding yourself of the many reasons to avoid smoking will help you refrain. Smoking is an expensive habit that causes stains on your teeth and contributes to bad breath. Over time, you may develop cough, sore throat, gum disease and oral cancer. Lung cancer and heart disease are other common byproducts of long-term smoking. It makes you age faster, both on the inside and outside. Also consider the fact that by smoking, you are exposing your loved ones to deadly second-hand smoke.
Keep Yourself Busy
Engage yourself in a hobby, like knitting or playing computer games. Incorporate more activity and exercise in your life. These activities will keep your mind occupied and your body healthy. Exercise also improves your mood and helps you lose weight. If you have quit smoking and experience the occasional craving, exercise can help you fight it.
Get Support
If you are trying to quit smoking, support from friends and family is important. Talk to the people in your life and tell them about your decision to quit. Consider joining a support group for people who are trying to stop smoking. With some support and encouragement, you can improve your chances of staying off cigarettes for good.
Avoid Triggers
Most people who smoke often associate the habit with a particular location, some friends or an activity. For instance, if you like to smoke with your friends at a certain location, avoid that place. If you feel like a smoke after dinner, replace it with a dessert, like fruit or candy, which will take your mind off the craving.