How Can I Help My Boyfriend Quit Smoking?
Positive Reinforcement
Positive social support is very helpful to people trying to quit smoking. Give your boyfriend compliments for wanting to quit and for refraining from smoking. Don't criticize or nag, though, because negative support can actually make it harder to succeed in a quit.
You can help your boyfriend get his mind off of smoking by doing things with him that he enjoys. Outdoor physical activities such as walking or biking can be especially helpful.
The early stages of a quit are very difficult for most people. If your boyfriend is in a bad mood, don't take it personally. Try to understand what he is going through, and remember that the moodiness will soon pass.
If you smoke yourself, you can do both your boyfriend and yourself a lot of good if you try to quit, too. Having a partner who smokes greatly increases the chances that a would-be quitter will relapse.