Ways to Quit Using Tobacco
Cold Turkey
Quitting cold turkey is simply making a resolution to quit and doing so immediately. The most successful users of this method are those who have strong motivation, and who have surrounded themselves with positive reinforcements of their new lifestyle. To achieve maximum success with this method, set a firm and meaningful quitting date. Begin tracking smoking patterns a few weeks in advance to note and eliminate smoking triggers.
Some users opt for medications to help them quit. There are various types of medications available in the form of nicotine gums, lozenges, and patches that supply the body with a dose of nicotine to help contain cravings. Another form of medication, Buproprion, does not contain nicotine but supplies the body with dopamines to help smokers quit. Potential users of any medications should carefully follow dosage instructions and consult with a physician before beginning their program.
Multiple Approaches
Applying a combination of methods is also an effective way to quit using tobacco. Talking with a counselor, seeking the help of friends, using medications or patches, and creating the right environment often helps people who have had limited success with other methods of quitting.