| | Public Health Safety | Smoking
What Is Good & Bad About Smoking?
Poisonous Chemicals
Cigarettes contain about 4000 chemicals, many of them poisonous, such as nicotine, arsenic and hydrogen cyanide.
Foul Odor
Cigarettes leave a lingering foul odor on your body, hair and clothing after smoking. This is offensive to most people.
Dental Health
People who smoke get three times more cavities than those who do not smoke, according to the Center for Young Women's Health website. It also causes you to have bad breath.
Revenue for Tobacco Companies
The only benefit of consumers buying and smoking cigarettes is that tobacco companies reap the rewards. In July 2010, Philips Morris--the world's biggest non-state controlled tobacco company--said their profit in the second quarter of 2010 is $1.98 billion according to the Reuters website.