Warning Signs on Cigarettes
"Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and may complicate pregnancy." Many studies support evidence that smoking causes these complications, including a study performed in 2006 by the National Cancer Institute about lung cancer and smoking. Smoking can also cause spontaneous abortion and can cause problems with the fetus's placenta.
"Quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious risks to your health." The effects of quitting smoking begin almost immediately, including improved blood circulation, lowered blood pressure, and breathing, tasting and smelling like normal again.
"Smoking by pregnant women may result in fetal injury, premature birth, and low birth weight." Cigarettes contain over 1,000 different chemicals that can be harmful to an adult, much more to an unborn baby. These chemicals include carbon monoxide and nicotine, and also include lead and nickel as trace chemicals. Carbon monoxide and nicotine are thought to do the most damage of all the chemicals, as carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen carried to the fetus, and nicotine can damage the heart and nervous system of a fetus.
"Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide." Carbon monoxide is a clear, odorless gas. When oxygen enters the body, it binds to blood cells in order to be carried to the heart and throughout the body. However carbon monoxide binds to blood cells much better than oxygen does. The result is less oxygen being carried to the heart and throughout your body. The heart then has to work harder to make sure enough oxygen circulates. Eventually this lack of oxygen can cause cardiovascular disease and heart attack.