Chemicals in Smoking Tobacco
Chemicals A-B
Acetaldehyde uses are in resins and glues. Acetic Acid is an ingredient found in hair dye while Acetone is a chemical present in solvents and finger nail polish remover. Acrolein is an ingredient used in herbicides, polyester resins, tear gas and other chemical warfare agents. Acrylonitrile, also known as vinyl cyanide, is present in synthetic resins, rubber and plastics. Ammonia is a common household cleaner while Arsenic is an ingredient in rat poison. Benzine is an element used in solvents, pesticides and gasoline. Benzo[a]pyrene exists in creosote, coal tar pitch and asphalt. Butane is an ingredient in lighter fluid and Butyraldehyde is a chemical used in solvents and resins.
Chemicals C-G
Cadmium uses are in non-corrosive metal coatings, pigments, bearings and storage batteries. Carbon Monoxide forms when burning gasoline engines, gas-powered tools and welding. Catechol is an element found in dyes, oils and inks. Chromium is a component used in metal plating, wood treatment, alloys and preservatives. Cresol exists in solvents, wood preservatives and disinfectants. Crotonaldehyde is a warning agent in fuel gases. Formaldehyde is an ingredient of embalming fluid and other uses of this chemical are in fiberboard, particleboard, plywood, and foam insulation.
Chemicals H-M
Hexamine is one of the chemicals present in barbecue lighter fluid. Hydrogen Cyanide uses are in gas chambers, as a fumigant, for producing resins, acrylic plastics and this chemical dispenses during the processing of metal ore and metal treatment operations. Hydroquinone exists in varnishes, paints and motor fuel. Isoprene uses are in rubber, while lead is an additive in paint and metal alloys. Methanol is a main element used in rocket fuel and Methyl Ethyl Ketone is an ingredient found in solvents.
Chemicals N-Z
Napthalene is a constituent of mothballs. Nickel is a component of alkaline batteries, stainless steel and metal alloys. Nicotine is an ingredient found in extremely controlled insecticides. Nitric Oxide, created by combustion of gasoline, contributes to acid rain and smog. NNN, NNK and NAT are carcinogens found only in tobacco. Phenol exists in resins, plywood and other construction supplies. Propionaldehyde is a disinfectant and Pyridine is present in solvents. Quinoline acts as a corrosion inhibitor and as a solvent for resins. Resorcinol uses are in laminates, resins and adhesives. Styrene is a component of insulation, fiberglass, pipes and plastic. Tar is a material used for paving roads and Toluene is a component used in solvents, oils and resins.