How Do Hotels Remove Cigarette Smoke?
Problems of Cigarette Smoke
Removing the smoke itself is only the tip of the iceberg. Cigarette smoke infiltrates all aspects of the hotel room including furniture, towels, walls and carpets and leaves behind its odor. Plus, extended exposure to cigarette smoke discolors paint and wallpaper. Once the smoke itself is removed, there remains the task of removing the odor and traces of smoke that may cause discoloration.
The Smoke
Most hotels use heavy-duty fans and filtration systems to remove smoke. Smoke also flows out of windows before the cleaning crew comes on site, but if smoke is still present, cleaning crews will open windows and use portable fans to rid the room of smoke. If the room is windowless, such fans and the venting system shoulder the work.
Ozone Generators
Ozone generators remove odors by producing and dispersing ozone throughout the room. Ozone is composed of three oxygen molecules bound together. The ozone reacts with certain odor-causing compounds to neutralize them. Ozone generators should be used in unoccupied rooms because ozone poses certain health risks. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that ozone generators are not the most effective way to remove odors, and they cause health risks even when used appropriately.
Enzyme Odor Removal
Enzyme odor removal uses enzymes and high-activity bacteria to digest organic odors. High-activity bacteria used for odor removal are USDA accepted and nontoxic. These odor-removal products can be used alone or added to any cleaning product.
UV Radiation
Another method of cigarette smoke odor removal is UV radiation. UV radiation is used to supplement filtration systems and vents, not replace them. These cleaners are called ultraviolet germicidal irradiation devices; they work by directing UV radiation at an affected area to destroy the biological pollutants. These may help remove the pollutants in cigarette smoke that cause odor.
Electronic air cleaners utilize ion generation technology to remove smoke particulates from the air. Air passes through a chamber where particles receive an electrical charge; the charged particles are caught on flat plates in a separate chamber. Alternatively, an ion generator distributes charged ions throughout a hotel room, and the ions attach to cigarette smoke particles in the air; these now-charged smoke particles attach to surfaces. The latter method is not the preferred technique in hotels because it requires the cleaning crew to clean surfaces of smoke particles that have settled from the air.