The Effects of Smoking Being Banned in Public Places
Cleaner Air
One certain effect of a public ban on smoking is the presence of cleaner, more breathable air. While there are other chemical elements that contaminate air, the absence of involuntary tobacco smoke will create more pleasant air for everyone to enjoy. Parents will be able to spend time with their children in public places without the worry of someone breathing smoke in their faces. Public parks and recreation centers will be more enjoyable without the threat of tobacco polluting playgrounds and leisure spaces.
Healthier Citizens
With secondhand smoke acting as a significant contributor to cancer-related diseases in non-smokers, a public ban on smoking would decrease the chances of an innocent, non-smoking bystander to be subject to a secondhand smoke-related illness. This is especially important when considering children and seniors, the two groups most likely to suffer from secondhand smoke. A public ban on smoking would ensure that those who have chosen a smoke-free lifestyle can continue to do so without having to breathe in someone else's smoke.
Cleaner Sidewalks
Cigarette butts are a major contributor to public litter. While they are not large in size, cigarette butts can be abundant and are often considered a nuisance. Although many business offer cans and cigarette ashtrays for smokers to use, cigarettes still seem to miss their allotted space and contaminate the ground. Once a public ban is instituted the presence of cigarette butts should diminish tremendously, which will be a draw for business owners who thrive on maintaining a clean space for their customers.