How to Quit Smoking and Stop Nicotine Cravings
Talk to your doctor. For people who have tried to quit smoking in the past and have failed, your doctor may be able to help. Sometimes the physical dependency on cigarettes can be too great for some people to overcome. Luckily, there are prescription medications that your doctor can prescribe to help you overcome the effects of nicotine withdrawal. Medications like Chantix block nicotine receptors in the brain and prevent nicotine from reaching them. They also cause a rise in pleasure chemicals that is similar to the effects of nicotine. This prevents your body from "needing" the nicotine to feel normal. Anti-depressants like Welbutrin have also been shown to help even out the depressed moods and irritability associated with quitting smoking.
Use replacement therapy to your advantage. Beyond the physical dependency is the habit of smoking cigarettes and the emotional/psychological dependency that comes with it. One of the best ways to quit a bad habit is to replace it with a good or non-harmful one. For example, instead of having a cigarette when you first get up in the morning, eat a nutritious breakfast. If you often step outside for smoke breaks at work, continue to take your outside breaks as normal but don't smoke during them. Use that time to get away from the stress of work for a moment and call a friend or take a walk around the office. Trying to completely change your daily routine to fit around your new nonsmoking lifestyle can set you up for failure. Another cool trick to do is to replace your after meal cigarette with a small lollipop or stick of gum. For health reasons, it's best to stick with sugar free candy and gums. Gaining extra weight while you are quitting smoking is bad for your confidence and may cause you to give up. Do not replace smoking with unhealthy eating habits and junk food. Make wise food choices while you quit.
Incorporate exercise. Exercising releases many of the same feel good chemicals in the brain as cigarettes do. Plus, as your body starts to change and get healthier you'll be more motivated to stick with your health goals and smoking cessation plan.
Surround yourself with a good support network. Ask that friends and family members do not smoke around you. Dine at only smoke-free restaurants. Join a smoking cessation support group either in your community, church or online. Having people to talk to who understand what you are going through and are working towards the same goal can really improve your chances of quitting. If your partner or roommate smokes, ask if they would smoke outside and not in the house. Being in a house that smells like smoke can make it nearly impossible to quit. It's sort of like trying to diet when you live in a donut shop. Your partner or roommate should respect you enough to support your efforts to quit. If they don't, see if you can stay with a friend or family member until the first few weeks of quitting smoking is over and your resolve is stronger.