How to Stop Smoking Side Effects
Learn all you can about what to expect with smoking withdrawal symptoms. It's your best defense.
Fruit Juice
Drink fruit juice to combat low blood sugar and related nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine triggers the brain to release sugar into the bloodstream. That's why so many quitters feel tired, have headaches and are moody.
Breathe deeply to help overcome cigarette cravings.
Exercise to help combat depression and combat weight gain, symptoms sometimes experienced by quitters.
Oral Gratification
Chew gum or suck on candy to alleviate the desire to have something in your mouth. Chewing gum freshens your breath, which can help you feel good about not smoking--or having smoker's breath.
NRTs and Prescriptions
Use nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), which are available in a gum or patch form, to help you quit smoking. However, do not let them become a crutch. Follow the plan on the package to help get through withdrawals easier. Your doctor can prescribe drugs such as varenicline and bupropion to ease the transition from smoking to non-smoking.