How to Stop Nicotine Patches
Things You'll Need
- Nicotine patches
- Other nicotine products
Start your nicotine-replacement therapy with the strongest available dose (generally 15 mg to 22 mg of nicotine). This will help ensure a decreased desire to pick up a pack of cigarettes.
Gradually decrease your nicotine dose as you adapt to your smoking-cessation program. Generally, unless you are a very light smoker, do not try to switch to a lower dose until about four weeks after you've started using the patch.
Use a nicotine dose of 5 mg to 10 mg for another four weeks. The American Cancer Society suggests that you may need to use the patch for a total of three to five months, depending on your level of addiction.
Do not try to stop using the patch altogether until you feel that you are ready. If you're experiencing some undesirable side effects, you can try a different form of nicotine-replacement therapy, such as nicotine gum. Or if your skin is becoming irritated from using the patch, try using a different brand of patch and place the patch on a different area of skin.
Stop using the patch altogether when you feel you can control your withdrawal symptoms. It may help you to attend counseling sessions, such as a Nicotine Anonymous group. Many states also offer a telephone hotline. Telephone counseling sessions may help you stay away from both cigarettes and nicotine-replacement therapy.
Keep yourself busy when you stop using all nicotine products. The American Cancer Society suggests that keeping yourself busy and distracted can help get you through both the mental and physical withdrawal symptoms. Exercise, in particular, may be helpful.