How to Stop Smoking With an Aid or Cold Turkey
Pick a start date to quit. Once you have established this, purge your living space of all items that remind you of smoking. When the day arrives, throw out all cigarettes, ash trays and any objects that remind you of smoking or that have the potential to trigger cravings. Let your family, friends and co-workers know you have decided to quit smoking. Inform yourself of what you can expect the first day after quitting. The most common withdrawal symptoms are mood swings, headaches and changes in your sleep cycle, as well as depression and anxiety. The most severe withdrawal symptoms usually are felt during the first 48 hours after quitting.
Decide how you will quit. Some smokers are able to successfully quit "cold turkey" without any help. However, many need the support that comes from a cessation aid. Others quit for months or years only to relapse, and then resort to a cessation aid. Thankfully, there are many options available. There are several FDA approved medicines to help reduce nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Some of these medications are sold with a prescription and do not contain nicotine. Nicotine replacement therapies, however, are sold over the counter at your local drugstore.
Control your cravings. If you are using a cessation aid such as a nicotine patch or gum, your cravings will most likely be less intense. Finding ways of coping with your withdrawal symptoms naturally will be crucial if you quit cold turkey. For many, eating becomes a refuge. Keep healthy snacks handy. Celery sticks, baby carrots and apples are good options. When you feel the urge to smoke, remind yourself that cravings last no more then 10 minutes. This will help give you perspective. Keep a diary and monitor your progress. Make note of your cravings and how you deal with them. Also, make note of the small health changes that are noticeable even after one day of not smoking, such as brighter eyes and skin, and an increase in breathing capacity.
If you decide on nicotine replacement therapy to help your cessation efforts, options include nicotine gum, tablets, nose spray, skin patches and inhalers. Several studies have shown those nicotine replacement therapies can double your chances of quitting successfully. This is especially true if you've tried to quit "cold turkey" and weren't able to. Nicotine replacement therapies work by providing your body with a small amount of nicotine at a time to significantly reduce withdrawal symptoms.
For information on smoke cessation aids without nicotine, talk to your doctor. Certain antidepressants, including Bupropion and Varenicline, are approved by the FDA and have been extremely successful in helping people who are trying to quit smoking. The main effect of this medication is to reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings, much like nicotine cessation therapies.
Remain focused on your goal to be smoke-free. During your first month, avoid places where you will likely be exposed to cigarettes. Keep the benefits of quitting smoking in mind at all times. You will be adding healthy years to your life; your respiratory capacity will recover; and you will have more energy, glowing skin and a great deal more money in your pocket.