Does the Ubie Vaporizer Work?
Loading the Ubie Vaporizer with tobacco is quick and easy. First the mouth piece, which is the smallest piece, is removed from the thick glass cylinder. A small amount of finely ground tobacco is then placed directly into the cylinder through the space where the mouthpiece was removed. The mouthpiece is replaced by sliding it back into its original location within the thicker glass cylinder. The Ubie Vaporizer is then held upright or vertical so the mouthpiece is pointing towards the ground and the open end is facing towards the sky. The mouthpiece is gripped securely while gently tapping the top of the vaporizer several times forcing the loose tobacco to become firmly packed against the mouthpiece.
The tobacco within the Ubie Vaporizer is never directly ignited from a burning flame. An indirect source provides heat that flows evenly through the tobacco. The tobacco is actually vaporized from the indirect heat. The heat is provided by a lighter that is ignited just below the cylinder at the open end opposite from the mouthpiece. The lighter is held just far enough away so the lit flame never touches the glass or the actual tobacco.
To inhale the vapor that is produced, the Ubie Vaporizer is held by the mouthpiece each time it is heated with a lighter. A person holds the mouthpiece to their lips as the cylinder is being heated while the person slowly inhales. A vaporizer heats tobacco in a way that is less than half as hot as direct heat, meaning only the tobacco flavor is slowly released. The additives and additional chemicals within the tobacco are only released when ignited with extreme direct heat, so they do not become active via the Ubie Vaporizer, causing the vapor to appear clear, or smokeless.
After the tobacco within the Ubie Vaporizer is completely utilized the remains will appear dry and brittle or become an ash gray color. The cylinder is emptied after each use, only after it has been allowed to cool to the touch. The mouthpiece is removed and the remains are gently tapped out into an ashtray. After numerous uses the Ubie Vaporizer will build a black residue inside the cylinder or in some other way become discolored. The vaporizer may be cleaned by submerging the entire glass cylinder and mouthpiece into a bowl of rubbing alcohol. After both pieces soak for several hours they may be washed clean and allowed to rest on a towel as they air dry before the next use.
The U.S. government and most public health agencies warn that use of tobacco, including smoking, is harmful to your health.
The Ubie Vaporizer must be cleaned regularly or the tobacco remains and/or residue will obstruct air and heat flow preventing proper performance.
The glass cylinder becomes extremely hot while applying heat so only handle the Ubie Vaporizer by the mouthpiece and wait for it to completely cool down before expelling used tobacco.
The Ubie Vaporizer is made of thick glass, but it will break if dropped--especially if dropped while hot.