Quit Smoking Facts

According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, nicotine is the most widespread addiction in the United States. However, the effort to stop smoking cigarettes is well worth the reward of a longer, healthier life.
  1. Effects

    • The American Cancer Society lists the side effects of quitting smoking as dizziness, irritation and anxiety, headaches, fatigue, increased hunger and insomnia. Side effects can last for several days.


    • Within minutes after you quit smoking, your blood pressure is lower and your heart rate is slower. Over time, the American Cancer Society reports that cancer, heart disease, and stroke risk are greatly reduced.


    • Smoking cessation programs can make quitting smoking easier, according to the American Cancer Society, which provides free telephone support throughout the United States.

    Nicotine Replacement Therapy

    • Aside from over-the-counter options such as the nicotine patch, Zyban and Chantix are prescription medications that may be used to manage nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms.


    • The Centers for Disease Control advises that Nicotine replacement therapy combined with smoking cessation support programs can double your chances of success.

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