Things That Can Help You Stop Smoking
According the American Heart Association, cigarette smoking contributes to as many as 440,000 deaths each year. Of these 440,000 deaths, 69,000 of them are attributed to secondhand smoke exposure. There are new treatments and tips developed each year to help people successfully stop smoking. Quitting will reduce stroke, heart disease and lung cancer risks significantly.-
Mental Reinforcement
Mental reinforcement is your ability to properly justify the reasons to quit smoking. It's crucial to have a good reason to quit or it will be easy to slip up and have a cigarette when the opportunity arises. If you have a reason that means something powerful, it will be far easier to stay focused on your goal.
Write down your reasons for quitting and place them in a visible location. A good place is the bathroom mirror. This means that each morning the first thing you read is your powerful reason for not smoking. This reinforcement is useful as your mind has a powerful impact on what you can actually accomplish.
Join a Program
While people do stop smoking on their own, it is far more successful when utilizing the help of a program. Start by contacting your personal doctor. Let him know that you want to quit smoking, but would like some guidance. UC Davis typically advises a three-month regimen that consists of taking one of two possible medicine choices.
Wellbutrin is an antidepressant that has a history of success in regards to helping people quit smoking. Chantix is a drug that helps the release of dopamine, a chemical in the brain that helps reduce cravings and the feeling of withdrawal. Chantix is also successful in blocking the rewarding effects of nicotine.
Additional Tips
Change behaviors that you correlate with smoking. The goal is to dissociate pleasurable activities with smoking. This means that if you enjoy relaxing in the back yard as you grill some food while smoking a few cigarettes, take a break from grilling.
Just before you decide to quit for good, change the brand of cigarettes you smoke to a less tasty brand. Make this change three days prior to your goal quit date. On the same day, start an exercise program. Exercise can help release stress and reduce cravings while improving your health.
Don't smoke in your car. This is a common environment that triggers the desire to smoke.