Reasons People Shouldn't Smoke Cigarettes
Among other effects, smoking cigarettes can negatively impact many areas of your life, including your short- and long-term health, family relationships, personal appearance and finances. Each area provided reasons why people shouldn't start smoking, or why they should stop.-
Causes Health Problems Now
Smokers usually get winded quickly, often cough, may get sick more often than nonsmokers, and are likely to have less energy.
Causes Health Problems in the Future
Even smokers who are healthy now face an increased risk of heart attack, stroke and cancer in the future. Their life expectancy is significantly less than that of nonsmokers.
Harms the Smoker's Family
Smokers set a bad example for their children. In addition, babies and children exposed to second-hand smoke get more colds, ear infections and even pneumonia than children living in homes where no adults smoke.
Makes the Smoker Unattractive
Smokers have bad breath and smelly clothes. Their teeth and fingers become yellowed, and their faces wrinkled.
Wastes Money
Cigarettes are expensive, with direct costs and associated costs--such as taxes--increasing all the time. Smokers are likely to have higher health-care expenses, as well, and often pay more for automobile and home insurance.