How to Calculate Ring Size of Your Favorite Tobacco Cigar
Things You'll Need
- Fabric measuring tape, American Standard
- Calculator with Pi function
- Cigar cutter
- Ruler, American Standard
Calculate ring size without cutting into the cigar.
Wrap measuring tape around the middle of the cigar. Read the tape where the end of the tape touches the inside of the tape. This number will be a fraction. Enter the fraction into the calculator and press "=."
Press "÷," folowed by the Pi, or "TT." Press "=."
Press "x" or *" to multiply and enter the number "64." Press the equals button, "=." You now have your cigars ring size.
Calculate ring size after cutting into the cigar
Cut the rolled end off the cigar with the cigar cutter. Cigars tend to taper at the end. Be sure to cut far enough into the cigar to be past the taper. Use the American Standard side of the ruler to measure the cut end of the cigar. Start down the center, from top to bottom.
Enter the fraction from the ruler into the calculator and press "=."
Press "x" or "*" to multiply and enter the number "64." Press "=." You now have your cigars ring size.