The Effects of Chewing Gum on Tobacco Withdrawal
One of the main ingredients in tobacco is nicotine, an addictive and unhealthy substance. When a smoker is attempting to give up smoking, he experiences withdrawal symptoms because of the powerful and addictive effects of nicotine. Withdrawal symptoms can include insomnia, irritability and headaches.
Nicotine Replacement
To help relieve nicotine withdrawal, some people try nicotine replacement therapies. These therapies provide a small dose of nicotine, but usually without the many other harmful chemicals found in cigarettes. This small amount of nicotine can help relieve withdrawal symptoms and nicotine cravings. Some nicotine replacement manufacturers claim their products may double your chances of giving up the habit.
Nicotine Gum
Nicotine gum, such as Nicorette, is often used to give the former smoker that small dose of nicotine they crave. When you chew Nicorette, the nicotine is absorbed from your mouth into your bloodstream. Chewing this type of gum is different from other types; you should chew it slowly and also let it rest in between your cheek and gums. The product's instructions may advise you to keep it in your mouth for about half an hour or until the gum has lost its taste and effect on you.
How to Use
The number of pieces or packs of gum you use per day depends on how much you smoked in the past and how addicted you are. Never use more than what is recommended on the package. Nicorette gum is available in two types: 2 mg and 4 mg. The 2 mg is for people who smoked 20 or fewer cigarettes per day; the 4 mg gum is for people who smoked more and relied more on nicotine. You can use the gum whenever you have a nicotine craving during the first three months after quitting; after that, the urge should be less or gone.
Chewing Plain Gum
For those that don't want to use nicotine replacement gum, chewing plain gum can help with cravings and urges as well. Getting over the oral fixation of smoking can often a difficult task for smokers who want to quit. The clean, minty taste you get from chewing gum also may help reduce cravings for a cigarette and may curb unhealthy snacking.
Do not exceed the recommended amount of gum per day; it can cause serious health problems. Follow the instructions on how to use the Nicorette product; if you chew it too quickly, you may be absorbing the nicotine too quickly. Not following the instructions can result in throat irritation or indigestion. The possible side effects of excessive use of some types of gum include gum disease, exhaustion of the stomach and intestines, stomach burns and ulcers.