What Are the Benefits of Smoking Cessation Programs?
Guidance is one of the most important benefits of using a smoking cessation program. The average person may not be aware of all the methods and resources available to them to him with his struggle to quit. A quit-smoking program will put you in touch with people who are knowledgeable about quitting, and can help you design a plan to quit that will work for you.
A smoking cessation program provides a support structure to help you when you are in need. If you are having problems with withdrawal and are tempted to start smoking again, it is important to have other people around who are going through or have gone through similar problems to provide moral support. Getting support from loved ones might be helpful, but often family members and friends do not fully understand the difficulties of quitting.
For many people, being accountable for sticking out a promise or working toward a stated goal can be very motivating. If you decide to quit smoking but don't tell anyone about your goal, you are accountable only to yourself if you fail. By joining a smoking cessation program, you affirm your goal to quit and make it known to the leaders and other members of the program. A team atmosphere in a smoking program can help you increase your determination to quit, because you will not want to disappoint your leader or other members.
One of the keys to a good smoking cessation program is the accessibility of help when you need it. Many programs will pair you up with a sponsor or have a help line that you can call at any time to receive support and advice. You are likely to feel optimistic about quitting when you are at a program meeting, but it is much harder when you are alone at home, during the times when you would normally smoke.
The combined effect of all the benefits of smoking cessation programs makes them very effective at helping smokers quit. According to the American Heart Association, smoking cessation programs offer the best hope for helping people with a dependence on tobacco who are at risk of dying early due to their addiction. The AHA also states that between 20 and 40 percent of smokers who use a good cessation program are able to stay smoke free for at least a year.