Tips to Help Stop Smoking
The first step is deciding that you are ready to kick the habit. If you try to quit smoking but aren't 100-percent committed to the idea you are setting yourself up for failure. Pick a date to quit smoking and stick with it. Write the date down so that you will see it each day. Create a list of reasons why you want to quit. Consider your health, relationships, finances and personal hygiene.
Create an environment that supports your decision to stop smoking. Get rid of lighters, ashtrays and cigarettes. If you live with other people, inform them of your decision to quit and ask that they do not smoke around you. Tell your friends and family about your decision as well. Ask for their support and explain that you may experience mood shifts while you withdraw from nicotine.
Talk with your primary care doctor and inform him of your decision to quit smoking. Your doctor will be able to provide smoking cessation medications, gum and information about support groups. She can also tell you what physical symptoms to expect when you quit smoking along with what health improvements you will experience as a non-smoker.
Decide whether you want to quit cold turkey or cut back gradually. Plan your path to quitting smoking and stick with it. If you decide to cut back gradually, decide on how many cigarettes you will smoke each day. Decrease this number over time so that you will no longer be smoking at all on your quit date.
New Behaviors
Start by getting your teeth cleaned thoroughly. With a fresh dental cleaning you may find it easier to fight the urge to smoke. Clean your house and your clothing so that your environment also creates a sense of cleanliness.
Start chewing gum or drinking water. When you have the urge to smoke, pop in a stick of gum or slowly sip from a cup of water. You will condition yourself to become fixed on a healthier habit this way.
Hang out in smoke-free places more often. Try changing your social get together locations from bars to movie theaters. By avoiding bars you also avoid alcohol that goes hand in hand with smoking.
Start exercising or continue your fitness program. Occupy your time with a healthy jog or strength training session whenever you begin to feel antsy about wanting to smoke. When you make a positive change for your health you will want the rest of your lifestyle to be more in tune with this decision.
Prepare for a Slip
Prepare for any setbacks or relapses that may occur. Compile a list of possible situations or stressors that may cause you to smoke again. If you have tried to quit smoking before, think about your last attempt. Consider what worked and what didn't. Create a list of actions and alternatives you can take to combat these relapse triggers. Understand that a slip is likely but it is not a failure. The idea is to prevent slips, deal with them in a rational manner and learn from any setbacks.