Hobbies to Help Quit Smoking
Knitting or Needlepoint
Many people smoke at home in the evenings while watching television. It can be difficult to curb this habit, as smoking provides something to do with your hands. However, simple knitting and craft projects can help to keep your hands busy and your mind off smoking. If you don't know how to knit or do needlepoint, local classes often are offered at nearby crafting and yarn shops. Sometimes these classes are free, but even if they have a cost, it tends to be minimal. Once you have the basics down, you can work on a scarf or an easy sampler. If you keep your projects easy, you can still enjoy watching television during the evening. In the end, you will create knitted or needlepointed items, while kicking your smoking habit to the curb.
Work Around the House
If crafts aren't your style, use your hands in different creative ways to help curb your smoking cravings. For a hobby like woodworking, you might need to buy a few simple tools, but the initial investment is worth the payoff. If you've always wanted to put up shelving in the basement, then paint or hammer whenever you feel a nicotine craving. Learning to cook also can offset the urge to smoke. You can take a local cooking class or watch cooking shows on TV to pick up tips.
Many smokers worry about gaining weight after they've given up cigarettes. One way to deal with this is exercise, which has big health benefits. If you once took hourly smoke breaks at work, use that time instead to walk around the building and enjoy some fresh air. Find creative ways to incorporate exercise into your life, such as lifting small hand weights at home instead of smoking in the evenings. Establish a routine slowly and you will be more likely to stick with the exercise program. You might end up running a marathon. However, contact your doctor before beginning any exercise program if you do not already regularly work out.