Methods to Help Stop Smoking
Nicotine replacement methods
Nicotine replacement methods attempt to give a more healthful way of getting nicotine in effort to ultimately help you quit. Nicotine replacement methods include the nicotine patch, nicotine gum and nicotine lozenges. Marketed by several companies, but most famously by Nicorette, these methods help you break the habit of smoking before breaking yourself of the nicotine addiction.
Patches are placed on your arm once or twice a day. The patches then release nicotine into your bloodstream throughout the day. Nicotine gum and lozenges are taken every time you have a craving for a cigarette.
All nicotine replacement methods come with a schedule to help you cut down and ultimately quit. You take a higher dosage for the first few weeks and then taper off as time goes on. Most nicotine replacement methods recommend a schedule of at least 12 weeks of usage to maximize your chances of success.
Psychological methods
Cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be at least somewhat effective at helping people stop smoking. The idea is to focus on, and deal with, the mental triggers that lead you to smoke. It is often used in conjunction with a nicotine replacement method. The nicotine replacement helps you overcome the nicotine addiction and the therapy helps you overcome the habit. Contact your health insurance provider to get a recommendation for a therapist who deals with smoking addiction.
Pharmacuetical methods
Bupropion, know by the brand names of Wellbutrin or Zyban, is an anti-depressant that has been shown to be effective in aiding smoking cessation. The drug reduces the cravings smokers suffer when quitting.
Recently Varenicline, know by the brand name Chanitx, has also been shown to be effective. Chantix targets the nicotine receptors in the brain. The drug reduces the pleasurable effects you feel from a cigarette and it lessens the feelings of withdrawal.
Like any drug, anti-smoking drugs can have side-effects including depression or mood swings. They are only available with a prescription and should be taken only upon the recommendation of your doctor.
Alternative methods
There are alternative methods that claim to help smoking cessation, including hypnosis and acupuncture. Some have also claimed homeopathic and herbal remedies can help you quit. According to the American Cancer Society, there is little research indicating these are effective methods, but for some smokers they may be worth a try.
Cold turkey method
Another option is to just quit smoking without any other aid. In order for quitting cold-turkey to be effective you must have strong motivation and constant dedication. Many smokers who quit cold-turkey feel it was the only way they could do so, but many others fail.
A controversial new anti-smoking aid has hit the market in the last few years. E-cigarettes are electronic devices shaped like a cigarette. You inhale from the device and a nicotine-infused vapor is released into your lungs. The concept is to replicate the act of smoking while removing the harmful effects. E-cigarettes have yet to be tested or approved by the FDA, and therefore their safety and effectiveness is unknown.