Fun Ways to Celebrate Quitting Smoking
Reward Yourself
Even if you've only been smoke free for a week or so, giving yourself little rewards can help ward off those cravings to light up. According to the University of South Florida, ex-smokers are more inclined to start smoking again when they're stressed out. So try stress-relieving rewards. Take a bubble bath at night or let yourself take that nap when you have a chance. For the big milestones (6 months, one year, etc.), consider buying yourself something you've always wanted, or taking that trip you've been dreaming about for years.
Try Something New
A great reward for quitting smoking is trying something you could not have done as a smoker. Physical activity is a fantastic option because it's challenging and can take your mind off cigarettes. Consider yoga, hiking or jogging. Or for more adventure, try mountain biking or rock climbing. You'll find all of these activities can get you're mind off smoking while also giving you something to do with all that extra energy you have now that you've quit smoking. Also, according to the National Cancer Institute, exercise reduces cravings and lowers stress.
Other new things to try as a non-smoker involve activities you couldn't manage before because of your addiction. Go to longer movies and plays, and feel free to fly next time you travel. You may be more inclined to sit through these activities now that you're not itching for a cigarette the whole time. Savor a meal at a non-smoking restaurant, or really taste your coffee next time you're at an outdoor cafe. Now that you don't smoke, there are a variety of new pleasures that await you.
Don't smoke "just one"
According to the National Cancer Institute, people who have quit may be tempted to reward themselves with a cigarette at the end of a hard day. However, "just one" cigarette often turns into several and can reignite old cravings, according to the Mayo Clinic. If you ever find yourself having an intense craving to light up again, remind yourself of all your hard work and find someway to occupy yourself without smoking.