Nicotine Addiction Fact Sheet
Death Rate
Use of nicotine products such as cigarettes and chewing tobacco leads to the death of about 440,000 Americans each year, according to the NIDA. Twenty percent of all deaths in the United States can be attributed to nicotine addiction.
Quitting Nicotine
About 85 percent of smokers who try to quit fail because of their nicotine addiction. Most smokers are aware that they are putting their lives at risk, but cannot stop because they are addicted, according to the NIDA.
Pregnant Smokers
Despite potential risks to their unborn children, such a low birth weight and even retardation, some nicotine-addicted pregnant women still cannot stop smoking, according to the NIDA. An estimated 16 percent of American women smoke while pregnant.
There are several effective treatments for nicotine addiction. Such remedies include nicotine gum or patches, therapy, antidepressant drugs such as Zyban, and the 12-step group Nicotine Anonymous (see Resources).
Withdrawal Symptoms
Those who do try to stop the cycle of their nicotine addiction will likely suffer from one or more withdrawal symptoms. People quitting smoking or chewing tobacco may experience depression, increased appetite, anxiety, irritability and sleep problems.