Positive Effects of Not Smoking
Longer Life
Non-smokers live, on average, almost 14 years longer than smokers.
Better Health
Non-smokers are less likely to suffer from heart disease, strokes, many kinds of cancer (not only lung cancer), pneumonia, emphysema, macular degeneration and other diseases that ruin people's quality of life.
Non-smokers have better-smelling breath, hair, clothes, cars and homes. Their skin is less likely to become prematurely wrinkled.
Social Acceptance and Convenience
Non-smokers never have to worry about whether they are bothering other people with their smoke. They never have to run outside or worry about when they can take their next smoke break.
Saving Money
Cigarettes are becoming increasingly expensive. Non-smokers also save money on lighters, ashtrays, cleaning bills for draperies and furniture, replacing items that have burn holes, lost time at work, and smoking-related medical expenses.