How to Overcome a Tobacco Addiction
Purchase stop-smoking aids. There are a number of products available to help ease the discomfort of physically withdrawing from tobacco. Nicotine patches and gums are popular but there are also teas and other remedies that can help. Do a little research or talk to your physician about what would work best for you.
Attend a smoking cessation class. Ask at your local public health office if there are any smoking cessation classes in your area. They can be located at hospitals or sometimes at community centers or colleges. These classes are designed to present information on how to quit smoking in a supportive atmosphere with others who are quitting.
Go to Nicotine Anonymous meetings. These are free support group meetings where people can meet and discuss their experiences around giving up a tobacco addiction. Nicotine Anonymous is based on a 12-step recovery program and is spiritually based, though no specific religion is recognized in the literature.
Join a gym or other fitness program. This will help alleviate some of the physical stress of quitting as well as help continue a commitment to your overall health. You may be pleasantly surprised at how quickly your body begins to heal after just a short while of quitting smoking.
Use acupuncture. Acupuncture has been gaining more popularity in recent years as a viable tool in helping to relieve symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Check with your insurance provider as some now allow acupuncture to be covered.
Maintain a healthy diet. Many people will replace cigarettes with other substances while they are going through the early stages of quitting. If you can, try to make healthy choices in that area. Instead of candy or lollipops, try having fresh fruit, vegetables or nuts around to snack on.
Take it easy on yourself. Let your friends and family know you are quitting so they can be supportive. Schedule things that will be pleasant and relaxing while you are in your first couple of weeks of quitting. With the money you will save from not smoking, treat yourself to a night out with friends, a trip to the spa or schedule a massage, you deserve a little pampering during this period.