Side Effects of Nicotine Gum

Nicotine gum is used as a substitute for people who are trying to stop smoking. Nicotine gum is available over the counter or may be prescribed by a doctor. Side effects associated with nicotine gum are usually mild, and some happen when the gum isn't used as directed. Severe side effects are rare and are usually associated with an allergic reaction, underlying medical condition or a nicotine overdose. Side effects and risks should be discussed with a doctor before beginning a nicotine replacement treatment.
  1. Mouth Problems

    • A tingling sensation in the mouth is a harmless and common side effect of the gum. The tingling occurs when a new piece of gum is placed in the mouth; the feeling will fade as the piece loses potency. Sores or redness may appear in the mouth when the gum is held in the same place repeatedly. Contact a doctor if sores appear to rule out an allergic reaction.

    Jaw Problems

    • Jaw soreness can occur with nicotine gum use. This usually happens when people chew the gum constantly instead of "parking" it on the side of the mouth. Nicotine gum isn't recommended for individuals with preexisting jaw problems such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

    Upset Stomach

    • Heartburn, hiccups and upset stomach may occur with nicotine gum use. These side effects are usually caused by chewing a piece of gum too soon after finishing one, or swallowing excessively with gum in the mouth. Excessive swallowing may also cause belching in nicotine gum users.

    Headache or Dizziness

    • Slight headaches, dizziness or nervousness may occur when starting nicotine gum therapy. These symptoms usually disappear over time. But if the side effects continue or are severe, a doctor should be consulted immediately to rule out nicotine overdose.

    Allergic Reactions

    • In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur. Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include swelling of the face, tongue, throat or lips. Hives or breathing and swallowing difficulties may also indicate an allergic reaction. When these symptoms occur, individuals should see a doctor immediately.

    Overdose Symptoms

    • Though rare, nicotine overdose may occur if a person uses more gum than directed, continues to smoke while using nicotine gum or swallows the gum. Side effects that may indicate an overdose include irregular heartbeat, chest pains, nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, vision problems, severe dizziness and seizures. Immediate medical attention should be sought when an overdose is suspected.

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