How to Help My Spouse Quit Smoking
Select a quit date. Encourage him to set a goal and choose a target date to stop smoking. If you are quitting as well, you should select the same quit date.
Research different stop-smoking aids, and present these options to your spouse. Stop smoking aids include nicotine gum, nicotine patches, hypnosis and acupuncture.
Check up on your spouse frequently while apart. Ask how he's feeling and whether he has been able to make it through the day without a cigarette. Stay positive and let her know how proud you are that she's making this attempt. Remind him to give you a call if he feels the urge to smoke.
Keep your spouse busy during the normal times she normally smokes. For instance, if your spouse usually likes a cigarette after dinner, propose a walk instead. You may want to steer clear of parties and other social outings until he has stopped smoking for a prolonged period.
Offer rewards for not smoking. For instance, if your spouse makes it through the first day of quitting without smoking at all, treat her to dinner at her favorite restaurant. As your spouse progresses, continue to offer awards, which could be as simple as a card, favorite dessert or back rub.
Try to keep your spouse destressed during the difficult process. When a person stops smoking, he may feel irritable or have difficulty sleeping. Encourage relaxing activities, such as massage and deep breathing. Comedy can also have a relaxing effect; consider renting a funny movie or washing a comedy on television.