Effective Ways to Quit Smoking
Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey
The hardest way to quit smoking is "cold turkey," or quitting without any aid. The most successful way to do this is by setting a date, however. Next, tell everyone around you that you have set a date to quit smoking. The last day that you smoke, before going to bed rid yourself of all cigarettes, ashtrays or any physical signs of smoking throughout your house. When cravings happen (and they will), concentrate on other things, read, exercise, or clean your house to start fresh. Buy some gum or hard candy to suck on to relieve some of the stress and oral fixation. Making it through the first two to three days will be the hardest since your body will go through withdrawals.
Quitting Smoking with Nicotine Patches or Gum
Quitting smoking using nicotine patches or gum is a method many ex-smokers have used to quit. Nicotine patches or gum are available over the counter in brand name and store brands and both are effective in that you don't experience the withdrawals (agitation or shaking) by getting small amounts of nicotine to your body without smoking actual cigarettes.
Quitting Smoking Using Hynosis
Quitting smoking through hypnosis is done by using a hypnotist that hypnotizes your subconscious mind into believing you can quit smoking and to think of the positives of not being a smoker. The idea behind hypnosis is repetitive positive reinforcement. The smoker conditions his mind to not want to smoke and to find it a behavior unacceptable or undesirable, thus making you feeling that you have no option but to quit.
Quitting Smoking with Anti-Depressants
Anti-depressants such as Zyban and Wellbutrin have helped many smokers quit successfully. While relatively safe and easy to use, these drugs are not for everyone. Anti-depressants work in that they release the dopamine that smokers get from the nicotine in cigarettes.
Quitting Smoking with Chantix
Chantix is one of the newest prescription drugs for quitting smoking. Chantix research indicates that a smoker has twice the chances of quitting with Chantix over Wellbutrin or Zyban. Chantix helps smokers by increasing the dopamine to the brain normally achieved through smoking. It also blocks dopamine production from nicotine, so you don't feel the feel good sensation that smoking provides. Side effects from Chantix may include nausea, sleeping disruption, constipation and depression. Rare side effects also have included suicidal thoughts and psychotic episodes.