Reasons to Quit Smoking Cigars
Many people consider smoking cigars to be a safer alternative to cigarette smoking, but the truth is cigars contain as many dangerous chemicals as cigarettes. Cigars contain nicotine, the addictive ingredient in cigarettes, and in many cases much more nicotine than a cigarette. Some cigars even contain as much nicotine as as entire pack of cigarettes. Some people who smoke cigars don't inhale the smoke, somewhat lessening the serious effects to their health, but no exposure to tobacco smoke is safe and continued exposure increases your chances of developing serious health problems.-
Smoking cigars increases your risk of developing lung, pancreas, bladder, mouth, lip, tongue, throat and esophageal cancer.
Lung Disease
Smoking cigars increases your chances of developing chronic respiratory illnesses such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smokers also suffer from more common respiratory illnesses such as upper respiratory infections and bronchitis.
Heart Disease
Cigar smokers are twice as likely as non-smokers to die from a heart attack, according to the American Cancer Society. Cigar smokers also suffer heart disease much more frequently than non-smokers.
Dental Problems
Cigar smokers, and smokers in general, are more likely to have their teeth fall out and develop gum disease.
According to the American Cancer Society, a study has linked cigar smoking to erectile dysfunction in men.