Effects of Nicotine Gum on Health
Nicotine gum is used to deliver nicotine to the blood stream. As the gum is chewed, nicotine is excreted into the mouth and is absorbed by the buccal mucosa. It can act as both a stimulant and depressant to the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system.
Common Side Effects
• Increased heart rate
• Headaches
• Belching
• Sore mouth or throat
• Increased appetite
• Peripheral vasoconstriction
Less Common Side Effects
• Lightheadedness
• Dizziness
• Coughing
• Indigestion
• Insomnia
• Constipation
• Sore mouth or throat
• Hiccups
• Irritability
• Damage to mouth or teeth from chewing
Before you start using nicotine gum consult with a physician. A cardiovascular baseline status needs to be established. Report any history of chewing problems, heart disease, heart attacks, chest pains or irregular heart rhythms. Notify you doctor immediately if you become pregnant.
Use nicotine gum in conjunction with a behavior modification program for smoking cessation.