Positive Reasons for Quitting Smoking
Save Money
Buying cigarettes is expensive business. The average carton costs anywhere between 25 and 50 dollars; heavy smokers spend easily between 200 and 400 dollars per month on their cigarettes. Quitting smoking saves money.
Reduces Nasal Problems
Smoking is an irritant and encourages nasal drainage. According to American Cancer Association, cigarette smoking increases a person's chances for sinus infections. Quitting smoking reduces nasal problems and sinus infections.
Smell Better
Smokers don't recognize the odor of burning cigarettes and old smoke that clings to them, but others do. A smoker can mask some of it with perfume. However, with one cigarette later, the clothing, hair and person smells like an ashtray once again. Smelling like an ashtray is not attractive, so smelling better is a positive reason to quit smoking.
Freedom of Options
Smoking reduces the number of options people have today. Smokers are banished outdoors in many states (California doesn't allow smokers indoors anywhere and many other states are following). Smokers are a modern leper for businesses, and even companies ask employees to go outside and smoke at least twenty to thirty feet away from the door. A positive reason for quitting smoking is more options for eating, working and free time.
Self-Esteem and Pride
Most smokers didn't start smoking because they wanted to become addicted to nicotine and smell like an ashtray. A lot of smokers want to quit, but they struggle with self-esteem and addiction. Personal pride and self-esteem takes a major boost when smokers successfully become non-smokers. It doesn't happen the first week or even the second week, but the third or fourth time the feeling of wanting a cigarette comes around.