Dangers of Smoking Tobacco
Smokers of all levels (light, moderate, heavy) are at risk for several types of cancers. Lung cancer is one of the deadliest forms, with mouth, throat and cancer of the esophagus also causing devastating damage to smokers.
Second-Hand Smoke
Unfortunately, second-hand smokers (those who breathe in the expelled smoke from a smoker's mouth) are also in great danger of falling ill due to the carcinogens, tar and other toxins in cigarettes. Young children and the elderly are the most vulnerable to the effects of second-hand smoke.
Oral Health
Tooth decay, gum disease and halitosis are just a few of the ill effects smoking may cause. Bleeding gums are another relatively common danger of smoking tobacco.
Emphysema is an acute disease of the lungs which can severely incapacitate and even kill. Those living with emphysema often experience a tragic decrease in their quality of life and may be reliant on others for basic care.
Financial Burden
The cost of cigarettes have steadily increased. Over time, this can add up to thousands of dollars spent on a very harmful habit.