How Smoking Affects Your Appearance
Smoking contributes to facial wrinkles by depriving the area of oxygen, which decreases cellular turnover. Smokers also develop wrinkles around the mouth from the actual act of inhaling while smoking.
Stained Teeth
Nicotine permanently discolors teeth, turning them yellow. The more a person smokes, the darker the stain.
Hair Loss
A recent study found a definitive link between cigarette smoking and thinning hair. The study attributed this to the decreased cardiovascular efficiency and lower oxygen levels that are often seen in smokers.
Other Skin Problems
In addition to developing wrinkles prematurely, smokers can get permanent yellowish stains on their fingernails and tips from the consistent exposure to nicotine.
Premature Aging
The overall effect of the ingestion of the toxic chemicals in cigarettes on an ongoing basis serves to age the body as a whole. A smoker's skin takes on a sallow, dull appearance. In addition to stained teeth, many smokers also develop gingivitis, which can ultimately result in tooth loss.