How to Quit Smoking with Chantix
Things You'll Need
- a doctor
- insurance
- a co-pay for the prescription
- internet connection
Commit to quitting smoking for good. No more cigarettes for the rest of your life.
At this point, it might be a good idea to check with your insurance to see if they cover Chantix. Some insurance companies will cover the medication, some will reimburse you for the cost of the medication upon conditions being met, like being smoke-free for 6 months after stopping Chantix.
Once you've committed to actually quitting, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your options. One option is to quit smoking with Chantix. Bear in mind that Chantix is not for everyone, such as pregnant women or people with a history of kidney problems.
Decide on a quit date. You can do this before or after your doctor's appointment. Your quit date can be a significant day for you (your daughter's birthday) or just a regular day (a week from Tuesday). To actually quit smoking on your quit date is critical.
Have your prescription filled. Be aware that if your insurance doesn't cover Chantix or if you are to get reimbursed, Chantix will cost you about $140 per month.
Take your starter week's pills before your quit date. You'll be taking two pills per day for the remainder of your prescription. When you're done with your prescription, you will have quit smoking with Chantix!