How to Cope With Nicotine Withdrawal
Understand what is happening in your body. Immediately after your last nicotine fix, your body starts to repair itself. You may feel lightheaded or dizzy because your body is getting used to an increased oxygen supply. You may also experience tingling sensations because your circulation is improving. Some persons may cough more, which is a result of cilia cleaning debris out of the lungs. One thing that will be helpful during this time is to get plenty of rest.
Take a drink of water whenever you begin to feel the urge for tobacco. Water helps to flush the nicotine out of your system. It also helps to replace the hand to mouth habit that occurs when smoking with a healthier alternative. It usually takes about three days for the nicotine to get out of your system.
Get active. Nicotine stimulates your metabolism. When you stop using nicotine, your metabolism may slow down. This often results in weight gain, especially for those that substitute tobacco use for eating. Try to exercise thirty minutes per day, five days a week to achieve the best results. Your choice of exercise can range from low impact walking to running or weight lifting. Be sure to talk with your doctor before beginning an exercise plan.
Start a new hobby. Many tobacco users notice that they have extra time upon quitting and search for something to do with their hands. When cravings start, turn to your new hobby as a means of distraction. Cravings usually go away after about five minutes. Good ideas for hobbies include crafts and puzzles because they are easy to take with you in case of a craving.
Inform those that you interact with on a daily basis that you are quitting. Irritability often occurs among those that are going through nicotine withdrawal. It can help them understand why you may be a little less personable than usual. Give them tips on how they can help you. Their support can increase your chance of freedom from nicotine.
Take time to relax. Many persons experience anxiety before and during the process of quitting. Deep breathing is a technique that can help many persons get through nicotine withdrawal. It is especially helpful for smokers because it simulates inhaling and exhaling smoke with cigarettes. Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat until your craving for nicotine goes away. Meditation and prayer can help as well.
When all else fails, seek professional help. Check your local area to see if there are any tobacco cessation classes or support groups available. Telephone based counseling and online programs are also available. There are many medications designed to help people break their addiction to nicotine. These medications range from pills to nicotine patches, lozenges, inhalers and gum. Some medications help to reduce the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Your chance of success improves when you combine education and support groups along with medication.