How to Choose The Right Medication To Quit Smoking
Talk to your doctor first about medication to quit smoking, many people have underlying health problems which rules out many stop smoking aids. If you are a good candidate, Zyban and Chantix, which are prescription only, are extremely effective medications for quitting smoking. Some studies show as much as a 44% success rate for Chantix. By contrast, to quit smoking cold turkey has about a 2% success rate. Using these medications to quit smoking can greatly reduce your withdrawal symptoms, and make the quitting smoking process much easier for you, and the people around you, to go through.
Use a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), such as a nicotine patch or gum, if medication to quit smoking is not for you. Using the patch to quit smoking is very effective. You start the therapy at a dose of nicotine close to what you are using with cigarettes, then gradually wean off. It is extremely important to not smoke cigarettes while using the patch, as a nicotine overdose can cause a heart attack or other side effects. Nicotine gum can also be effective in your quit smoking process. Not only does it provide a low dose of nicotine, it also satisfies the oral fixation that comes with smoking that other medications to quit smoking cannot deliver.
Some people do just fine quitting smoking themselves without any quit smoking medicines. Quitnet is a very helpful website geared toward helping people quit smoking. (See resources for link.) Some people just want to quit smoking cold turkey and put the whole thing behind them without quit smoking medications. Whichever way you choose to quit smoking, do your homework and devise a plan of action that works for YOU. Pick a date, and stick to it.