How to Quit Smoking When a Spouse Smokes
Things You'll Need
- Marker
- Poster board
- Nicotine patches
- Nicotine gum
Speak with your spouse, in a calm, rational manner, about your desire to quit smoking. Explain why you want to stop and outline any activities that you feel could curtail your success, such as allowing smoking in the house or attending events in facilities that allow smoking.
Establish rules with your spouse. These rules can include only allowing smoking in a designated area outside, having the smoker hide all his cigarettes and lighters, and agreeing on whether your spouse will be allowed to smoke if you are home. Write out all the rules with a marker on a piece of poster board and stick it to the refrigerator. This way, the rules are clear from the start.
Purchase nicotine gum and patches. These items ease nicotine withdrawal symptoms and make it easier to ignore cigarette use. Use the gum and patches according to the instructions on the packaging.
Get out of the house without your spouse. Join a support group, recreational club or gym. It's extremely important to surround yourself with supportive nonsmokers, and being around your smoking spouse could discourage your efforts.
Break the pattern. Take up new activities with your spouse that don't involve smoking, such as establishing a standing date to see a movie. These activities will allow you to enjoy each other's company without straining your relationship or efforts to quit smoking.