How to Light a Zippo and Look Cool
Make sure the Zippo lighter's full of fluid, the flint is in good condition and the wick is trimmed. You can't look cool if the lighter won't light on the first try.
Hold the lighter in one hand in front of you with the lid above your fingers. The hinge on the lid should be above your index finger as you grip the lighter. Put your thumb just below the unhinged side of the lid.
Flip the lid up quickly with your thumb, then immediately bring your thumb down to stroke the wheel and light the lighter. Practice the ultra-cool, one-handed move until the two parts look like one smooth motion.
Place your thumb under the open lid near the hinge when you've finished your light and bring it up quickly to snap the lid shut. You also can snap your wrist sharply in the opposite direction of the hinged side to let momentum snap the lid shut.
Strike the lighter like a match by holding the base between your thumb and fingers with the hinged side of the lid pointing away from you. With a quick, downward snap of your wrist, snap the lid open.
Flip the lighter around in your fingers and place the wheel against your thigh. Draw the lighter up your thigh quickly to spin the wheel and light the lighter. When you've finished your light, snap your wrist to close the lid as in Step 4.