How to Light a Cigarette in the Wind
Light your cigarette a second before you step outside into the wind. Make sure you time it right so you do not have to exhale smoke inside the building if smoking is not allowed inside.
Find a tree, sign, wall, car, other solid structure to stand behind when lighting your cigarette to block the wind.
Use your body as a wind blocker. Turn your back towards the direction that the wind is blowing from, hunch your back to bend over slightly, and then light your cigarette.
Cup your hands around the flame to block the wind from blowing it out.
Purchase a wind blocker cigarette lighter. Some lighters have a wind shield that you can slide up before flicking the lighter. The shield protects the flame from the wind. Other lighters have recessed coils that get hot instead of making a flame. Insert the end of the cigarette in the hole to light it on the hot coils.
Use the double match technique. Take two matches out of the book and hold them 1 cm. apart from each other when striking. This causes the second match to ignite a second after the first match giving you longer to get the cigarette lit before the flames are blown out by the wind.