How to Set a Quit Smoking Date
Think about your schedule for the next month or two. Choose a date that is not in the middle of a stressful period, like a family event or major holiday.
Pick a specific day within the next one to two months as your quit date. Choose a random date or a special date like an anniversary or birthday. Give yourself enough time to prepare and come up with a plan, but not so much time that you can change your mind.
Take the date seriously. Commit to quit on that day.
Circle the date on your calendars. Write it on pieces of paper to put in each pack of cigarettes that you smoke until your quit date.
Prepare for the quit day by cutting down the amount you smoke gradually, finding healthy oral substitutes like carrots and sugar free candy, and finding things to do with your hands. Start a new hobby. Learn deep breathing and other relaxation techniques. Start an exercise routine.
Plan ahead by thinking about how you will cope with stressful situations.
Purchase aids like patches or lozenges about 10 days before your quit date. If you are planning on using a prescribed product, talk to your doctor.