How to Celebrate The Great American Smokeout
Every year, on the third Thursday of November, the American Cancer Society sponsors The Great American Smokeout, an event in which smokers pledge to smoke less or simply quit for the day. The event encourages smokers to kick their habit with help and support from nicotine replacement products, counseling or just family and friends.
Things You'll Need
- Determination and a strong will
- Support
Make a decision and quit. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Your health depends on it. By quitting, you are highly reducing your risk of being diagnosed with lung cancer, premature aging and emphysema among other things. The benefits to quitting start immediately. The US Surgeon General reports that 20 minutes after quitting, your heart and blood pressure drops. 12 hours after, the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal. Two weeks to three months Your circulation improves and your lung function increases, and the list keeps going on and on. Think of all the money you'll save as well
Pick a plan. Everyone has a different way of giving up smoking. Some quit cold turkey and never look back. Others gradually decrease their intake to zero. Still, many need support for nicotine replacement products and/or family and friends. It might be helpful to replace your smoking with something else, like regular chewing gum or water or anything that you feel will help curb your addiction. You can also join a stop smoking class to help you along the way.
Be prepared to deal with withdrawal. . The American Cancer Society says that withdrawal from nicotine has 2 parts: the physical and the psychological. Nicotine replacement products such as patches or gums can help you deal with physical symptoms, however, since smoking has become such an ingrained part of your life, the psychological withdrawal poses a bigger challenge. You have to realize that withdrawal takes time to overcome and you must never put yourself in a situation where you feel you will relapse. Avoiding temptation and replacing the negative(smoking) with something positive(gum/low calorie snack or hobbies and exercise) will help you get through withdrawal.
Stay quit. Even if you're quitting for just one day for this great event, your ultimate goal should always be to stay quit. Think of how much you, your health and your wallet have benefited from committing yourself to this simple act. Quitting a habit you've had for a long time seems near impossible to do in weeks. If you do relapse, try not to become too discouraged, as many can't give smoking up for good on the first try.
reap in all the benefits. Once you have quit for good, you will begin to realize how important and worth your time the benefits are. You are now healthier in mind, body and soul. You can spend the money you've saved on something more meaningful or you can save it. The people around you will also benefit, not only because they will see that you are healthy, but in the process, you will make their lives healthier also, by ensuring that they aren't around any secondhand smoke.
Sign up for Quitline. Quitline is The American Cancer Society's hotline that offers a helpful voice who really understands what you're going through. It is also available 24 hours a day.