How to Choose a Cigar Cutter
Decide what type of cigars you will be cutting. Certain cutters are better for certain types of cigars. Guillotine cutters can cut up to 54 ring cigars while "V" cutters work well on small ring cigars. Bullet Punch and "V" cutters cannot cut torpedo or Figurado shapes.
Think about how you proficient you are at cutting cigars. There is no sense in buying a cutter and expensive cigar if you are going to create a tobacco mess. Double-bladed and single-blade guillotines are the most popular as they make clean cuts that provide a generous opening. They require a quick movement with force to cut the cigar. Bullet Punch cutters cut small holes but if you want a larger hole, you need to insert the punch in several different locations on the cap. Cigar Scissors require a surgical quality stainless steel and confidence cutting cigars with the scissors. Piercers literally lance a cigar and can easily pierce it too deeply, preventing proper air circulation.
Choose style, convenience, or both. Many cigar smokers have different cutters, based on situation. They have portable and desktop cutters. Cigar Scissors have a unique look and have lightweight options. Guillotine cutters are portable. Bullet Punch cutters are often attached to key chains.
Imagine the perfect cigar. Imagine how that cigar would taste to you. This is the most important factor. Different cutters leave different cuts. "V" cutters' cuts give proper air circulation while keeping the bitter taste of the cigar away from the smoker's mouth. Guillotine cutters create the best air circulation but tar and burning tobacco are likely to contact the smoker's mouth. Bullet Punch cutters may limit the air circulation. Tar and burning tobacco residue might gather around the opening. Piercers cause a concentration of tobacco and tar to build up around the cigar's opening.
Consider the costs. The cost of cutters can be pricey and you may want a few cigar cutters. There are portable cigar cutters, desktop cutters, electric cutters and floor cutters available today. Portable cutters are the ones that might get lost and are often the cheapest accessory. Guillotine and Bullet Punch cutters offer the best options for inexpensive cutters. "V" cutters are not known to have functional cheap options and are often not considered. Portable Bullet Punch cutters are often attached to key chains.