How to Persuade a Friend to Quit Smoking
Sit down to have a sincere talk with your friend. Knowing that a loved one is worried about her helps your friend to realize the seriousness of the issue. Chances are she is aware of the consequences and is just looking for support and encouragement.
State medical facts instead of making emotional pleas about being alive to see grandkids. Educate yourself about the medical side effects of smoking and the damage it causes the human body. Explain how smoking weakens immunity allowing chemicals to destroy the natural bacteria that ward off infection causing viruses like HPV.
Convince your friend to try quitting and to take one day at a time. Smoking is an addiction that controls a person both physically and psychologically. Asking your friend to stop cold turkey tempts him to give up too soon. Try not to be strict in enforcing rules.
Offer support and help when your friend agrees to try. Persuade her to cut down the number of cigarettes she smokes per day and instead engage in working out, taking the dog out for a walk, eating salty snacks and distracting herself with other activities.
Suggest a whacky idea of smoking just one cigarette and doing it with complete focus. Ask him to close his eyes and take the time to slowly draw the smoke in and feel it fill his lungs. Instead of mindlessly smoking 20 cigarettes, suggest he get complete satisfaction from one cigarette.
Be available for your friend and reassure her about the decision she made. She may feel anger and frustration during this process and your understanding is critical to help her through.