How to Persuade a Spouse to Quit Smoking
Things You'll Need
- Love
- Patience
- Support
Tell your spouse what you think about her smoking habits and how life could improve if she stops smoking. The two of you will get more enjoyment out of a nice dinner out where your spouse can actually taste the food, on a non-smoking vacation where you don't have to worry about smoking accommodations, or on outings such as walks and dancing when she won't lose her breath as easily. Make her understand how much more enjoyable everyday things in life will be when she quits smoking.
Make your spouse aware of how often he smokes, especially around you. Remind him that the smoking not only effects his health but also yours, and if you are parents, your kids.
Express to your spouse that you want him to live a long and healthy life. Smoking will take away from your time together. He could die a painful and prolonged death from health problems caused by his smoking. Shock him a little -- telling him you hope he has updated his will.
Talk about all the financial repercussions of smoking. Cigarettes are expensive and the health care needs he will have are even higher than the cost of a carton of smokes.
Create an activity for the both of you to do, like walking or dancing. That way when a she wants a cigarette, you are ready to take action. Help him build an active and healthier lifestyle.