How to Quit Smoking in Weeks
Try jogging every day if you are healthy enough. You will immediately feel healthier when you start jogging on a regular basis, and smoking makes jogging much more difficult. Make the choice to look and feel better, rather than be out-of-shape and out-of-breath.
Make a conscious decision to cut down slowly by watching the clock. Start out by only allowing yourself one cigarette every hour, on the hour. Then change it to every two hours. Don't cheat, even by a few minutes. You will soon realize that you don't miss it, and will naturally look at the clock when it's near the time for your next cigarette. The less you smoke, the less you will miss it.
Don't smoke while you are driving. It's just another way to cut down on smoking. Make up your mind that it's just not a good idea. Remove the ashtray and the cigarette lighter permanently.
Quit smoking before you are diagnosed with emphysema. Many people quit smoking after someone in their family died from emphysema. It's very hard to justify smoking after you watch someone you love go through a slow, agonizing death.
Convince yourself that smoking is like some terrible crime. You may feel like doing it but won't because the consequences are too severe. You'll be in jail for the rest of your life! The next time you reach for a cigarette remind yourself your life could be ruined forever if you "get caught."